Even though your main concerns at the time of purchasing a new home are projects such as picking out the perfect paint colour, decorating your home, etc. there are a few essential maintenance projects you should also add to the list.
Seal Up Your Windows
This first project can help save you heaps of money on your energy bill.
If you have noticed areas in your home near windows that seem to be a bit cooler then you most likely have an air leak.
Before you start caulking the whole area, clean up the area near the window, remove any old caulking using a putty knife then apply the new caulking to all joint areas of the window frame in one continuous stream.
Check Your Gutters
Never forget about the gutters, if you ignore them they can get clogged and cause serious damage to your home including damage to the foundation.
Gutters are recommended to be cleaned on a quarterly basis if you have a lot of trees on your property, if not then twice per year.
To get started you will need a ladder, a scoop tool, a bucket or trash bag and a hose.
* Never place your ladder against the gutters as they do not support too much weight and can easily break.
Scoop all of the debris out of the gutter and dump into your bucket or trash bag, once you feel that your gutters are clean flush them out using the hose.
By following these few simple maintenance tips you can prevent any serious damage to your new home plus you will save quite a bit of money.
But if at the end of the day you feel that you do need professional assistance be sure to give the crew at New Clean Living a call at 604 442 6243.