Removing Carpet Glue From Concrete Floors

After removing a carpet from your concrete floor you will find bits of flooring adhesive underneath which was originally used to hold the carpet in place.

If you plan on leaving the concrete floor bare then you will need to remove the glue as dirt tends to stick to it.

We will show you an eco-friendly solution you can use to remove the carpet glue.

Easy Ways To Clean Your Paint Brush

If you enjoy doing small post-construction jobs on your own such as painting that newly built wall we know it is a real headache to clean the paint brush afterwards.

But do not worry about this as we have some great, easy tips on how to clean your paint brush without having to break a sweat.

The first step is you need to make sure you have a container that you can stick your paint brushes in such as an old yoghurt, sour cream or margarine container.