Coca Cola Cleaning Hacks

Coca Cola, it is one of the most famous beverages known throughout the world but did you know that Coca Cola is also one of the best cleaning solutions for a janitorial service to have in their arsenal of cleaning supplies?

Here are just a few of the many ways that a can of Coca Cola can be used to help make certain cleaning situations much easier.

Easy Ways To Clean Your Paint Brush

If you enjoy doing small post-construction jobs on your own such as painting that newly built wall we know it is a real headache to clean the paint brush afterwards.

But do not worry about this as we have some great, easy tips on how to clean your paint brush without having to break a sweat.

The first step is you need to make sure you have a container that you can stick your paint brushes in such as an old yoghurt, sour cream or margarine container.

How Often Should Your Office Be Cleaned?

Every business is different, every business has its own unique set of needs and with every office being so different, the question always comes to mind, “How often should I have the cleaners come in to clean?”.

Here are a few things to think about that may help you decide.

The most important thing you must consider is that the appearance of your office represents both your employees and your clients and a clean office encourages your employees to be more productive.

Preventative Maintenance Tips

We receive questions all the time from clients on maintenance tips to help keep their building running efficiently and ways for them to help ensure the prevention of accidents such as fire and electrical problems.

Just as we share these tips with our clients, we are sharing it with you as well to help ensure that your building is safe for both yourself and anyone else living there.

Simple Tips To Help Keep The Office Clean

Even though the Janitorial Service comes in to clean the office a few times a week it does not mean that you do not have to do your part to help keep it looking clean.

Here are a few tips of stuff each and every office employee can follow to help keep the office looking nice and clean in between the Janitorial Services’ Scheduled Cleaning dates.


  • Vacuum Daily

    No matter how sealed up your office may be, dust always manages to find a way in, even if it is just very little it will still eventually build up until it is noticeable.To help prevent dust build up, assign a schedule for a different employee to take at least fifteen minutes after the end of their shift every day to give the office a quick vacuum.

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